Studies of Religion
Stage 6

This subject guide is intended for Studies of Religion secondary students to assist with resources pertaining to Nordic Religious practices and beliefs. This includes the religious practices of Iceland, Scandinavia and Denmark in pre-Christian times as well as the impact of conversion to Christianity during the Viking era. Topics covered by these resource related to the course content for religions of ancient origins and cover Nordic mythology and origins of the universe, beliefs regarding deities and supernatural beings and the impact of religion on society including rituals surrounding life events such as birth, marriage, death and burial. 

There are links to primary resources which should be accessed and used in order to develop your research skills as part of the course. While this subject guide does not do your assignments for you, there are a variety of resources available in both print and digital formats that provide a starting place for you to begin your research. 

As this guide is for Studies of Religion students across the state, all print resources are linked to Trove where libraries that hold the resources can be found. Online resources have their corresponding URL listed with the resource and are accessible either directly on the web or through the National Library or NSW State Library databases.